These different logic styles are differentiated by performing detailed transistor level simulations using CAD tools of DSCH3 and Micro wind 3.1. The performance study is carried out using 0.18-μm CMOS technology. The power consumption, delay, supply voltage and number of transistors present in the designs are tabulated and compared. The multiplexer structures are realized using Positive Feedback Adiabatic Logic (PFAL), Cascode Voltage Switch Logic (CVSL) and Transmission Gate Based logic styles. In this paper, the different designs of multiplexer using complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) logic are analyzed in performance point of view. However, the functions of drain and source can in principle be interchanged (as with bipolar transistors, but unlike. Presently, multiplexers have become a universal logic element used to design any digital combinational logic circuits/systems in IC's, so it is needed to design or revise a multiplexer topology for low power consumption and high speed. field-effect transistor has been designed. One of the important elements in digital circuits is a multiplexer or data selector for processing multiple inputs with a single output. Now days, low power and low energy have become an important issue in consumer electronics and it is necessary to do research in combinational circuits.